The History of Pi Lambda
The Pi Lambda Chapter of Alpha of Alpha Fraternity, Inc., was established in Little Rock, Arkansas on May 3, 1926. The founding members of the Pi Lambda chapter are: C. Franklin Brown, A. B. Fox, J. G. Ish Jr., J. V. Jordan, U.S. Maxwell, Carl Patillo, Marion R. Perry and Leroy Williams. These eight courageous men petitioned the local chapter in Little Rock, Arkansas.
The charter members were Brothers:
C. Franklin Brown
A. B. Fox
J. G. Ish Jr.
J. V. Jordan
U. S. Maxwell
Carl Patillo
Marion R. Perry
Leroy Williams
The Pi Lambda Chapter, with its membership from a wide array of professions, has made an outstanding contribution to the vitality of the African American citizens in Little Rock, Pulaski County and the State over the years. The Fraternity continues its commitment to he community through national programs such as Go to High School - Go to College, Project Alpha, and A Voteless People is a Hopeless People. The Pi Lambda Chapter regularly includes and participates in activities such as Big Brother/Big Sisters, Boy Scouts of America and the March of Dimes, the chapter members have dedicated themselves to the precepts of leadership, scholarship and service. Among the many programs that the Chapter conducts include its Outreach Programs which are aimed at working with young African American males to instill in them pride in self, sound moral character and the development of mind.